No-Heat Waves

May 11, 2014


Step 1: Begin with dry hair parted and combed the way you want it for the hairstyle.

Step 2: Split your hair in 2 halves and begin by taking out a 1 inch section and clipping away the rest of the hair.

Step 3: Spray a generous amount of water onto your hand using a spray bottle.

Step 4: Run your hand over your hair a few times until the section is damp, but not too wet.

Step 5: We will be using two of our fingers to act as our curling barrel. For tighter curls, use only one finger.

Steps 6-9: Wrap the damp section of your hair loosely around your fingers.

Step 10: I will be using a combination of hair clips and bobby pins to pin my curls in place.

Step 11: Gently pull the curl off of your fingers, holding its shape, and place a pin inside of it to hold it in place.

Step 12: Continue with this same method in 1 inch sections on the rest of this half of hair, and spray on a generous amount of hairspray.

Step 13: Use the same method on the other half of your hair and spray with hairspray. Let the curls set for 30-45 minutes or until dry.

Step 14: Gently undo each of the hair clips/bobby pins and let the curls fall. Shake them out a bit, apply a few more sprays of hairspray and …

Step 15: Voila!



Fishtail Sidebraid


Bohemian Headband Braid


Fun & Funky Hairstyle


Blow It Out! For The Wavy Haired Girl

  • sweetie

    This is ah mazing!

  • Bri

    I tried my best to do this. Now I’m a very patient person but it took me damn near half an hour to put up 5 curls. It’s very frustrating and truy just a waste of time. This takes about 5x as long as regular curling does. If you’re worried about damaging your hair then get heat protectant spray. You could spend as much cash buying that as you would purchasing all those clips for this stupid hairstyle!

  • Guest

    Most of the hair do’s are super cute but I can’t stand how she has a resting duck face!! It’s not cute!!

    • peoplecanbeanimals

      You guys are so mean… the point of her tutorial is to show you how to do hair and honestly the only thing that should matter is her ability to teach you something here. If you are going to judge her like that, just leave because I’m sure there is so ething that others don’t like about you but they don’t go around pointing it out.

  • Guest

    Exhaling through the mouth in every pic, huh? Not a good look…

  • Debora

    Why the duck face?? Why???

  • nursethalia

    I can’t follow the instructions, because I’m too distracted by the fake pout. Once is bearable, two tops, but every picture? *sigh* She’s a very pretty woman, she doesn’t need to resort to duck lips to make people think she’s pretty – the opposite is happening! The duck lips completely cancel out her prettiness. :(

  • Nora

    Wow these comments are ridiculously negative. Haters gonna hate I guess. I think she looks beautiful. Duck face and all.

  • Fran

    Guess I’m dating myself. This looks just like old fashioned pin-curls. Maybe they are coming back ! Very easy – not so, if your hair is really long.

  • Becca C.

    Woah! Mean comments everywhere! Yikes!

  • Becca C.

    Very pretty hairstyle! Will be trying this.